
Photo Scan Day…kind-of.

Up until yesterday, I was following an organizational plan that someone else had come up with. If it works, why not? I’m not one to reinvent the wheel.

This entire week I’ve been taking advantage of being on Spring Break (it’s good to work at a school!), and I’ve been digging in deep with each of the tasks that had come up on The Genealogy Guys Blog, because I could. I had the time every day, all day.

But at some point, you know it’s going to really catch up with you right?

Right. And it did. In a very big way.

I think it started a few days ago, when I prepared to move files into my newly organized file drawers. As it turns out, I wasn’t ready to move them, so I was left with a pile of old magazine articles, family files that were waiting to be filed, and loose leaf research documents that were never put away the first time around. In my mind, I decided the best thing I could do would be to add this task to my Google Calendar to begin going through and clearing what is no longer needed and putting away a little at a time. This was working well with clearing my email and organizing computer files.

Fast forward to today’s task to start scanning photos. As much as I love the original old photos, these beauties need to be scanned for long-term storage, and to protect the originals. I thought it was going well, I had set up my scanner right next to my computer to alleviate having to get up and down from my desk to keep changing out photos. I had even planned two days for this task. I got to my half-way point today, and immediately set to renaming them accordingly and getting them placed in the proper folder on my computer. Except, not all of them scanned as well as I’d hoped, and I will have to go back and redo about 1/2 of what I had hoped to complete today.

Also, as I took a photo scan break tonight out of frustration, I sat down to work on the other files in my computer. And I hit the mother-load of unnamed files. A task I have been allowing myself a 1/2 hour for, has taken the past two hours of my night tonight.

To recap:

  • Large stack of items to be physically gone through
  • An added photo scan day will need to be added as I redo what didn’t scan properly today
  • A discovered list of unnamed files that will easily take a solid week to work through.
  • I have to go back to work on Monday.

Oh…and it’s now Easter weekend, so add cleaning and cooking to my next two days as well.

I’m officially feeling overwhelmed but I’m so determined to keep moving forward, knowing it’s what needs to be done.

~ C.