
Organizing Browser Bookmarks/Favorites

Whether your operating system calls them “Bookmarks” or “Favorites”…they do the same thing. They create a shortcut, fast-track way to websites that you use often, or don’t want to lose track of.

As you can imagine, given the horrible shape my computer filing system is in (I promise, it’s getting better!), you can imagine what my bookmarks USED to look like. The image I shared above is what they look like now. Previously, they went all the way across, AND included a drop-down with additional sites that didn’t fit across the bar.

You can organize this to make it as functional as you need it to be. I also organized my Bookmark folders so they made a little more sense:

The most important thing is that you organize in a way that works for YOU. This was my immediate need, to be able to see what I actually have; and as I continue to organize, this will be sorted out even more.

These can all be moved around into an order that makes sense, and the labels can be edited to read what you need them to. For instance, “Periodical Source Index – ACPL Genealogy Center” can be edited down to just PERSI (and is appropriately held in my Research Bookmarks folder).

Organize this in the order that makes sense to you, and edit them so you know what you’re looking at. Otherwise the efficiency and purpose that this function serves isn’t worth it.

Oh, and I also took this quiet Sunday afternoon to continue deleting old emails and renaming/organizing computer files.

Organizational Score for today!!!

~ C.