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80 years ago today.

I’ve decided to start sharing letters that were shared between a soldier, my grandfather, and his sweetheart.  This week, the letter is her reply.

*Letter is being shared “as is”…misspellings and all.*

Converse, Indiana

My Darling Sweetheart

     You just called Honey and I just got write you again.  That 3 minutes sure was short and darn it anyway I had to be crying and couldn’t talk.  But I’m sorry Darling honest I am.  I probably would of creed if I hadn’t been laying in bed already crying.  I had been in bed about 15 minutes.  oh honey I love you so much.  I wish you could call me every nite.  It makes me feel so much better.  I’ve just been so lonesome today.

     I guess honey you’d better let me know wether I should come up next Saturday.  Honey I’m going to stop writing for tonite.  I hope to get your letter tomorrow and then I’ll know your address.  Nite my dearest.

(Editorial Note: our sweethearts would often write their letters during any moment of free time, pausing for work, errands, sleep…then would start writing again as soon as they could.)

     I’m at the Library now Darling and I’ll try and finish this letter to the sweetest boy I know and I mean it too honey.  I can hardly wait till I get home to see if your letter is there.  Oh honey I miss you so much.  When I went to work this morning Lou never said anything to me.  But if I’m suppose to work Sunday and don’t He is probably going to say something but I don’t care.

     Honey again I want to tell you I’m sorry the way I acted over the phone.  I’ll try not to do it any more.  I’ve not written to Paul D. yet.  But I’m not going to go over to his Dad’s and say anything to him about it.  But something funny happened last nite.  Mother went over to So washes to get some screen wire and Ema ask mother if I was going to marry Paul and Mother told her she didn’t know.  But Mother said they acted so funny.  Well Darling you don’t care to listen to that so I won’t mention any more about it.

     Uncle Jack got his car yesterday and painted it black.  But I guess he doesn’t know how to drive, cause he can’t shift gears.  I guess you were right when you said you bet he couldn’t drive.

     Oh honey I’m telling you I never realized I would miss you this much.  Last nite I was dreaming that you were laying beside me and was on your arm and when I woke up of course you weren’t there and I felt like taking off for Indianapolis.  Honey maybe you think I’m lying to you when I tell you all these things.  But Darling I’m not.  There’s one thing I’ll never forgive myself for doing and that is the way I treated you.  Oh like arguing with you all the time.  Honey I’m sure sorry honest I am.  Do you think they’ll let me see you if I come up if I tell them that I’m your girl friend.  I want to make sure honey that I can see you before I come up.  It will probably be about 8:00 before I get out to the camp.  I wish you could get a week end pass and meet me at the bus station.  But be sure and let me know Darling what to do.

     I’m going to write your mother a letter tonite.  Do you know wether she has her phone in or not?  Well Sweetheart guess I’d better be closing for this time.  So I’ll say so long for now and write me as often as you can and tell me all you can.  And Darling if you need anything please let me know.

     So long Darling.  Gabs of love and kisses.

     I do love you Dearest.  Your Darling Little Sweetheart

***** “Paul D.” whom she refers to is the other beau she was seeing.  It seems she had made her decision as to which young man she prefers, but also wants to end things on her own terms.  I also have absolutely NO idea what “So washes” refers to – whether another nearby town or local business.

I’m just wondering if anyone else was able to picture her crying into her pillow, or was it just me??
